Le dernier jour

Sigh… I’ve tried to ignore it, deny it, distract myself from it, but today I am finally forced to accept the stone cold truth: this is our last full day in Québec.

Yesterday we had our last group lunch at the Parlementaire de Québec. Our fancy food was excellent and fresh; nearly all the vegetables came from the parliament’s gardens. Après the long lunch and a nap, some of us decided we wanted to go back one last time to Montmorency Falls. We packed a blanket and some snacks and caught the bus mid-afternoon. First, we went to our favorite spot on the rocks to hang out and dip our feet in the freezing river water. I went all the way in up to my thighs, much to the terror of my friends – the current was a tiny bit strong. Silly friends, I know what I’m doing. Sort of.

We then ventured to the meadow where we played Spades into the night. Though a full moon was out (cue the werewolf howls), it quickly became way too dark to play. We all just lay there, talking and watching the orange-red lights of the city glimmer over the St. Lawrence. A few lightning strikes lit up the sky a few times, and the air began to feel heavy and hinted of rain. After feeling a few drops, we  collectively realized that we should probably leave before all hell broke loose. As we scurried on the path back to the bus stop, the heavens opened up on us.

You haven’t really lived if you’ve never been caught in a rainstorm. In the last three weeks, this has happened several times to us, but not over a waterfall. We ran across the bridge over it, whooping and hollering in the monsoon the entire way. It was awesomely terrifying. As you can probably tell by the fact that I’ve written this blog, we made it back, safe and sound.

Without carrying on too much longer, here are some more of my favorite photos I’ve collected over this journey of mine.

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On a different note, being immersed in this culture so full of flavor and vibrancy has taught me more than I ever expected. Though my French certainly still needs work, mes yeux have been opened to a literal world of possibility that comes with knowing this gorgeous language. Québec City – my mentor and friend. I’m going to miss you so much.

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